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English name:Lufenuron
Cas No. 103055-07-8
Product Description:


IUPAC name : (RS)-1-[2,5-dichloro-4-(1,1,2,3,3,3-hexafluoropropoxy)phenyl]-3-(2,6-difluorobenzoyl)urea

Chemical formula: C17H8Cl2F8N2O3

Molecular mass (g mol-1) :511.16

Physical state : White solid

Properties :

Melting point (°C) : 169.1

Bulk density : 1.66 g/cm3

Vapour pressure at 20°C (mPa):4.00 X 10-03

Degradation point (°C) :242 

Solubility - In water at 20°C (mg l-1) :0.046

Solubility - In organic solvents at 20°C (mg l-1) :Acetone:460000 ;Hexane:100;Ethyl acetate :330000;Toluene :66000


Mammals - Acute oral LD50 (mg kg-1) :> 2000

Mammals - Short term dietary NOEL(mg kg-1):2

Birds - Acute LD50 (mg kg-1):2000 

Birds - Short term dietary (LC50/LD50)966 mg kg bw-1 day-1

Fish - Chronic 21 day NOEC (mg l-1)0.02 

Fish - Acute 96 hour LC50 (mg l-1) > 29

Aquatic invertebrates - Acute 48 hour EC50 (mg l-1) 0.0013

Aquatic invertebrates - Chronic 21 day NOEC (mg l-1) 0.0001

Earthworms -Acute 14 day LC50 (mg kg-1)> 500

Algae - Acute 72 hour EC50, growth (mg l-1) :8.8


Mammals - Acute oral LD50 (mg kg-1) > 2000 Rat

Mammals - Dermal LD50 (mg kg-1 body weight) > 2000 Rat

Mammals - Inhalation LC50 (mg l-1) > 2.36 Rat, 4 hr (nose only)

ADI - Acceptable Daily Intake (mg kg-1bw day-1): 0.015 Mouse 

AOEL - Acceptable Operator Exposure Level - Systemic (mg kg-1bw day-1): 0.01

Product description:

The latest generation replaces urea pesticides. The pesticide can kill insect pests by acting on insect larvae and stopping the peeling process, especially for leaf-eating caterpillars such as fruit trees, and has a unique killing mechanism for thrips, rust Mites and whitefly, resistant to synthetic Pyrethrins and organophosphorus pesticides. It is safe for crops, such as corn, vegetable, orange, cotton, potato, grape and soybean. It is suitable for integrated pest management. The insecticide did not cause the resurgence of piercing-sucking pests and had a mild effect on the adults of beneficial insects and predatory spiders. Long-lasting effect, rain erosion resistance, useful adult arthropod has a selective. After treatment, the first effect was slow, and it could kill the eggs, and the effect was observed 2 ~ 3 days after treatment. Low toxicity to bees and bumblebees, low toxicity to Mammalian MITE Mites, bees can be used when collecting honey. It is safer than organophosphorus and Carbamate pesticides, and can be used as a good mixture to control lepidopteran pests. Low-dose application still has good control effect on caterpillars and flower thrips larvae, can prevent virus transmission, and can effectively control pyrethroid and organophosphate-resistant lepidopteran pests. The pesticide is selective and long-lasting, and has good control effect on potato borer in later period. Besides, it can increase the yield significantly by reducing the times of spraying.


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